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How to pitch for business

One of our our most popular services is our Sales Pitch support line. Chalestra has a reputation for ensuring business critical pitches are successful, and several lines of it have evolved. It's so successful that institutions pay retainers to us so that we are on hand when they need us.

We rarely get involved with run-of-the-mill pitches unless we're training someone: after all, institutions should be able make a basic sales pitch. But sometimes a pitch is so vital that it is critical that it is successful, a business-critical sales pitch, a service in which we specialise.

Most peoples view of a sales pitch is that it is a request for a transfer of a service or product for cash. But that's not accurate: it could be something as mundane as trading a favour for a favour.

And the notion that you need go know your target before you can pitch is not true either. Some of out work is done in an emergency, when it's all going wrong. We often don't have time to know our customers customer. And, in our best work to date, we couldn't have known who the customer was because no-one knew who they would be.

From a different view, businesses and people are two separate things, that don't even share a culture. Appealing to a business and appealing to a person are two totally different things, and, rightly, should be approached differently. So never wait to know someone before you pitch them. You do need to know who the right person is, but you don't need to know them.

But there is a key structure that all pitches should possess, right from the very start. Your pitch must

  • say the environment on why you are making the pitch
  • • say why your customer ought to buy it (or buy into it)< /li>
  • • and it must say what the price and terms are

All three of those vital.

If you don't say why you're making the pitch, it is likely to be treated as spam. If you don't say why they ought to buy it, then you're not requesting the business. And if you don't say the price and terms, then you are making your customer do the hard work, which is fatal, and they are not going to do it. If you make your customer do work, then they are not going to have much faith in you doing your work!

Call Chalestra if you need help with making sales pitches.

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