1) If you are starting a business, why not take advantage of an 80% discount?
Anyone that’s brave enough to start a business in this day and age deserves support from existing businesses. So we’re offering you a licence for this top of the range piece of business kit for just £50 + VAT. To enable this, we give you a voucher code that you don’t even have to enter…
For non-startups, we don’t police this, but you might get found out later when your copy of Business Administrator starts to do business. And, of course, if you’re not a start up and use this, you’ll spoil it for the startups!

2) Want to explore what Business Administrator can do? Take a free test drive…
Businesses are phenomenally complex things, and Business Administrator software is more than capable of handling them. On a trial, you’re unlikely to get a measure of the sheer power of Business Administrator, but you’ll definitely get a taste of it.
Try it out for free...

3) If you have a voucher code, enter it here…
To come
If you don’t have a voucher, search the Internet for one. We are always broadcasting discounts with vouchers.
4) Do you know a business that wants Business Administrator, or ought to have it?
Before starting, let us know in advance what you’re doing. When they buy a licence from us, we’ll offer you a free licence in return.
We’ll hold your new licence in the tap for whenever you want to use it. If you don’t have a licence, that’s fine, just let us know.
If you know several people that want Business Administrator, or ought to have it, then why not join our affiliates scheme, and earn yourself some money?

5) Also, if you want to earn some money, and know businesses that need Chalestra's services…
If you know businesses that need some guidance in growing faster, why not become a facilitator? By becoming a facilitator, you manage the relationship between us and the businesses you know, and you get paid for it. The amount you get paid is related to the fees.
Interested? Contact Chalestra…

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