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How to buy licences to use Business Administrator

Non-registration licence

If you wish to try out Business Administrator, you can use an AdBoard licence. You can upgrade to a traditional licence any time you want.

Even for it's standard price of short of £400, Business Administrator represents excellent value for money because it will save many times that in cash alone, let alone the provision of a myriad of other benefits.

The benefit of the full licence Simple: no advertising. It means you can get on with your life in peace. It also means that you can use Business Administrator offline. With an AdBoard licence, if your are offline, you risk not being able to use the system because it won't be able to get advertising, which is the licence contract.

Licence expiry - don't worry If you have full licences and they expire, your system will not stop. You can continue to use it provided you offer the machine an Internet connection. Business Administrator will simply trade in your old licences for AdBoard licences, whence advertisements will display on your system. You can trade these new AdBoard licences for full licences at any time by visiting the member page.

AdBoard licences do expire, but provided Business Administrator has access to the Internet, it will automatically renew the licences for you.

How to buy a Full licence You can buy your first licence directly from this site by visiting the download centre . Afterwards, you must use member login from this site, or visit BAWorld from Business Administrator.

To become a member, you must download, register and use your Business Administrator.

When done, when Business Administrator is running, you can click on the BAWorld icon at the bottom left hand side of the fascia, as shown.

This will take you to the member page, where your licences will be listed. Select the licences you wish to change, and then proceed to payments to complete the purchase of the licences.

Then, there is nothing to do.

When Business Administrator is running, if it has an Internet connection, it will scan for changes in your licences, and update them for you: it's all automatic.

This is how to mange licences in future, whether you want to buy more, upgrade or renew the ones you have.

Related items
About BAWorld
Information for new businesses
Information for existing businesses

Non-registration licence

If you wish to try out Business Administrator, you can use an AdBoard licence. You can upgrade to a traditional licence any time you want.