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Packaging is about grouping several objects into a new single unit, often to make it more manageable. But, to Business Administrator, these are not tangible things: they are concepts, such as time, the splitting up of assets, and virtual objects such as stock

Location: Various


It is the range of objects that can be packaged that makes the concept of packaging so vast. Yet it’s all managed from one single dialogue that is generally highly focused.

To Business Administrator, anything can be packaged. To Business Administrator users, time, products, even packages can be packaged to make more manageable units. People and products can be packaged together to form a team with some equipment, and you can charge for that as a single object, a package.

Focused packaging

Business Administrator provides an arena of packaging depending on what you are doing. For example, if, in Sales Assistant, you are charging for time, then Business Administrator can package time to make it easier to charge for time. To users, this will have the appearance of a charging schedule.

In Supply Chain Manager, you might wish to combine products to sell the products as one unit. The inverse of packaging, splitting a package, is also handled by the packaging system. If you order a crate of products to sell as single units, then you would split the package to resell them. But if you buy a crate of products, how else could you tell Business Administrator that you will split the crate to be resold?

In Asset Management, you might want to buy a bus to hire out. If the bus is to be hired out to the public, say on a tour, then you will want to sell tickets for each seat. You effectively split the bus into the number of seats and sell the seats: you de-package the bus.

Applying packaging

An entire book could be written on the subject as it works in Business Administrator. But the principles are the same throughout.

The important thing is to be clear about what you want to do and the effect you wan to achieve. Business Administrator constantly offers information on how you should work in every mode that you can enter. Read these carefully to find out how to achieve your goals.

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