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Timesheets Logon

Many service business record their time as they work, logging onto projects as they start work and logging off as they finish. This dialogue allows you to log time to projects easily.

Location: Command Bar, Fast Access


You can log time to both internal and customer projects.

Being able to log time to internal projects is important for every business because it can give you a decent analysis of how your staff are working and help identify the costs and benefits of your staff. For Business Administrator, in times of business stress, its Strategic Initiative can use the information to advise you on ideas on how to re-task your business for growth, or even survival.

But, in the mainstream, the purpose of the dialogue will be for charging time to customers.

Logging on to a project

The essence is to select the project you want to assign to, describe a date and time to start, state which service you want to use, and give a brief description on what you plan to do.

You must assign to a project. If you have no suitable project to assign to, then we recommend you create a general purpose one that can hold the time charges that employees use. You will also have to create a service to charge for. Services are largely charging schedules, a rate per time, and can be charged internally or to customers.

Stating the intention is important because it allows you to explain the charge at a later date.

Logging off a project

When you want to log off a project, and you are already logged on, Business Administrator will ask you if you want to log off it. It is possible to be logged on to several projects at the same time. This allows you to charge an amount of time to several projects.

In fact, if you try to log onto a project, and are not aware you were logged on, Business Administrator will still ask you if you want to log off.

By saying Yes to this dialogue, Business Administrator will log you off at the moment you answer that question.

Important note: when you close Business Administrator, it will not ask you if you want to log off. This is because most people close Business Administrator when they are working on projects.

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