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SIC Selector

SIC (Standard Industry Code) selector allows you to standardise the industry codes that are used on your system. Whether you choose a manual system or this standardised system depends on what you want to achieve.

Location: Various


‘The UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (UK SIC(92)) is used to classify business establishments and other statistical units by the type of economic activities they are engaged in.’ More can be found about SIC codes at UK standard industrial classification of economic activities.

Having standards in business is important because it provides a level of consistency in information management across businesses. It also means that businesses are talking the same talk and that levels of expectation in negotiations are as high as they can be.


Selecting an industry code is largely a matter of seeking out the required industry, clicking it, and clicking Update and Close in the task bar.

If you know the SIC code, you can type it in to display it and select it.

You can also search for an industry by adding some text. Simply enter a few letters of the industry name, and the treeview will expand to show all relevant items. The more letters you enter, the fewer items will be shown.

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