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The Business

‘The Business’ is all about managing chronological events, both in the future and in the past. Chronological events often define the momentum of a business, and this form allows a highly focused tool to manage such events.

Location: Command Bar, Services


The Business is Business Administrator's initiative to get things done. It's a combination of a tasks list, a to-do list, and a diary, all brought into one powerful drive to get things done: it’s a chronological platform for all the things you need done, that Business Administrator needs done, that you and your staff need done. With The Business, you can organise your personal life as well as your professional.

Also, excerpts from it will appear in the Command Bar beneath the current manager if there is anything relevant for it to say. By clicking on this 'zone', you can quickly activate The Business and respond to the items that are presented.

For Process items, you can double-click an item in The Business to execute it. Only when it's marked as completed will the event fall from the event list.


The controls at the top of the dialogue allow you to control what you see in the event list, the table towards the top of the dialogue. You can select classes of information as well as select ranges of dates to see what information is covered within those ranges.

Business Administrator can monitor its libraries to find changing events. If you switch Automatic Updates on, then Business Administrator will continually refresh the list. But if the shadow systems are working hard (see the global progress bars to the bottom right of Business Administrator) then you might be better leaving this off. Both scenarios running together might slow you down.

The white information box towards the bottom centre displays information on an event selected in the event list. It may offer information about the event, or help, or hints and tips, about particular events.

New items

You can add new items by selecting the class of item from the View dropdown box, selecting ‘New entry’ from the Function Bar, and completing the Q&A.

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