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From time to time, businesses need extra HR resources. The cheapest method of acquiring those extra resources is by allowing existing staff to do overtime. This dialogue, allows staff to enter the overtime they’ve worked, in hours, but all overtime has to be authorised by a more senior person

Location: HR Manager, Personal Issues, Submit Overtime


Staff that do overtime can state the overtime hours in this dialogue box. A number of overtime rates are proposed, and they are multiples of equivalent hourly rates. Business Administrator works these out based on the information that was entered for salary in defining that member of staff in Personnel Details.

When the information has been entered, click ‘Submit Request’, to save the information.

Authorising overtime

Once saved, a more senior person should authorise it. The senior who should authorise it is defined when you set up the member of staff in Personnel Details: it’s who they report to. If that senior person hasn’t logged on to Business Administrator and hasn’t logged on for several days, then the senior is assumed to be everyone who Business Administrator considers to be more senior than the employee submitting the overtime.

An entry will appear for the senior person in The Business below the Managers saying that overtime needs to be authorised. People who authorise such overtime can alter the amount of overtime, and, when done, that overtime will next appear on the next payroll run.

Overtime can also be completely declined by entering zero, and clicking ‘Authorise Request’ from the Function Bar.

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